Top 50+ Node js MCQ (Questions and Answers) JavaScript


Node js MCQ best multiple choice questions Learn a New Skill (Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS and JavaScript) help you to revise your programming skills.

Node js MCQ Questions With Answers

Q1. When was the first non-Beta version of node was released?

  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2015
  • 2016

Q2. Package.json is is used to define the properties of a package?

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which statement execute the code of sample.js file?

  • nodejs sample.js
  • node sample.js
  • sample.js
  • None of the above

Q4. From the request object we can obtain:

  • params, data, method
  • params, query, variables
  • params, query, body
  • params, actions, body

Q5. To install Node.js express module

  • $ npm install express
  • $ node install express
  • $ install express
  • None of above

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Abhishek sharma

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